Tears of a bleeding heart Episode 7
The tale of the twist and turns in the life of our heroine, Mansa… “Hey Chris, what are you doing?’ Derek said from Mansa’s entrance. He had returned. He had come to check on Mansa as he usually would… He hadn’t expected to find Chris hovering over her. Chris came back to himself and quickly found a lie to tell. “She has been drinking Derek” Chris said, trying to change the subject. “What!! you can’t be serious. Mansa doesn’t do alcohol” Derek said. “See for yourself.” Chris told Derek and quickly went out from the room before he could suspect anything. Derek went close to Mansa and realized that there was indeed something different about her that morning. He took a long look at her as she laid in bed unconscious. He tried waking her up severally but to no avail. He was beginning to get worried. It was not until he splashed water on her that she responded. When Mansa woke up, she saw Derek staring at her. She had a nasty headache and held on to her head in pain. Derek noticed and quickly went to get her some aspirin to help calm down the pain. Once she was done taking the pills, Derek asked “But Mansa, what has come over you? When did you start taking alcohol?” Mansa told him she had not taken any alcohol but this time, Derek found it difficult to believe her. That worried Mansa. She was still trying to figure out how to break news of the rape incident to him and other members of the family. It didn’t help her case that she never actually saw the rapist neither did she see how he entered or exited from the house. There was no sign of forced entry. In fact, there was no evidence to prove that she had been raped. So if Derek was having trouble believing that she had not taken alcohol, what chance was there that anyone would believe a rape report with absolutely no evidence? Meanwhile, Chris couldn’t get over what he had felt when he carried Mansa to her room. In just a short time, he had developed a strong lustful desire for his adopted sister. As a man who never gave up, he vowed to himself that he would satisfy his lust at all cos. Even if it meant him being nice to Mansa. This was really not his first time… Back in the United States, he was known to chase pretty much anything in skirt. His current girlfriend who loved him very much was based in Ghana. Chris had been dating her for the past 5 years even though he did not love her. She was only his “sex toy”. Because he dutifully showered money on her, his girlfriend, Alice, actually thought that Chris loved her. Because he dutifully showered money on her, his girlfriend Alice actually thought that Chris loved her. As a matter of fact, “LOVE” was not in his dictionary. The only thing that had kept their relationship that long was that the fact that Alice was very possessive and was not ready to let go of Chris. Right now, Chris’s next project was Mansa and he intended to take that very seriously. His attitude towards her immediately started to change. Mansa, of course, was taken aback by Chris’ sudden change of attitude. He was relating with like her as a brother should.His attitude towards Mansa also gave Mrs. Bernard room to be a little nicer to her. Everything was returning to normal… Or so it seemed. Mansa, however, was still battling with the trauma from the rape incident. She was waiting for the right moment to tell the family what really happened to her that night she was left at home by herself. One day, Mrs Bernard and Derek went out for a church meeting leaving Chris and Mansa alone at home. Chris got some popcorn for them to chew on as they sat and watched television together. There was a movie on that both of them decided they wanted to see. As they watched, they chatted and shared a laugh here and there. Several times, while Mansa wasn’t looking, Chris would stare at her lustfully. He felt he needed more time alone with her. Meanwhile, Mansa who was feeling a bit tired soon fell asleep on the sofa. Chris waited till he was sure the sleep was deep and then went closer to her. He carefully started unbuttoning her blouse… He had successfully opened the first button, which exposed parts of her bra. He was fiddling with the second one when suddenly the houseboy opened the door leading to the living room to let in his girlfriend Alice. Chris was not fast enough… Alice took in the scene and immediately knew what he had been trying to do with Mansa. To be continued…


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