Story Tears of a bleeding heart

Tears Of a bleeding Heart Episode 3 The tale of the twist and turns in the life of our heroine, Mansa… “I am coming over right away” Mansa said and hung up. “What happened to Elvis?” Derek asked. “He has been involved in an accident and is currently admitted at the hospital. Derek, I really have to go and see him” Mansa said. “Mum won’t allow you to go see him but I will help you out. Use the back door and meet me at the grass yard, then we can go” Derek said. “Thank you so much Derek, I appreciate it” Mansa replied. Derek immediately left Mansa’s room and went to find his elder brother Chris. He told him what was happening because he trusted him. “Chris, mum shouldn’t know about this please… I’m accompanying Mansa to the hospital to see a friend of hers, we will be back soon. Just cover up for me”, Derek pleaded. “Sure, I will” Chris assured him. Derek unknowingly made a very big mistake confiding in Chris. He didn’t know his brother couldn’t be trusted when it came to issues that had to do with Mansa. As soon as Mansa and Derek left, Chris headed straight for his mum’s room and knocked on her door. She was fast asleep but woke up at the sound of Chris’ persistent knocks. She quickly got up and went to open the door for him. Meanwhile, Derek and Mansa arrived the hospital in no time, but they were not allowed to see Elvis. His condition seemed very critical. He was said to be hanging between life and death and doctors warned that if care was not taken, he could loose his life. Mansa cried when she heard about Elvis’ critical condition. Derek stood there and comforted her. Sister Rita from Church ran into them just then. She was in the same church with the Bernard family. She was Head of the church’s ushering department. Apparently, she also came to visit her sister who had just had a baby. “Mansa, what are you doing here? Is everything alright” Rita asked when she saw her. “My sister, a friend of mine has been admitted here and he is in a critical condition. We are not even allowed to see him.” Mansa answered. “Oh my dear! It is well, with God all things are possible. This is the time you should be praying instead of crying” Riri advised. “You’re right my sister” Mansa said. The three of them quickly said a word of prayer together… “I believe God is in control now. I have to get going as it’s getting late. I will call you tomorrow morning to get an update” Rita said and left. As soon as she left them, she took out her phone and called Mrs Bernard who was impatiently waiting for Derek and Mansa to return. “Hello, who is this?” Mrs Bernard said when she answered the phone. “Hello, Good evening. This is Sister Rita the Usher”, she answered. “Oh, nice to hear from you. I hope everything is alright?” Mrs. Bernard asked. “Yes madam, I was wondering if you were around… I just saw Derek and Mansa here” “Around where? I’m home. Where did you see them? She asked. “At the general hospital. I thought you were around was why I called, so I could see you before leaving” Rita said. “Oh no my dear, but you can come see me at the house tomorrow. Which hospital did you say you saw them?” Mrs. Bernard asked again. “General hospital madam” Rita confirmed. Thank you very much.” Mrs Bernard said and hung up. “My son, God works in mysterious ways… I have just gotten information on which hospital they went to. I’m going there right away”, Mrs Bernard said to Chris. “Mum, why not go and see Elvis himself tomorrow morning? That’ll be a perfect time for you to confront him directly” Chris said. She thought about it briefly and agreed “I guess you are right. I actually need to get some sleep… You interrupted my beauty sleep when you came knocking on my door.” She said that and went back into her room to sleep. Meanwhile, Derek and Mansa were already on their way home. They had no option but to return home and go back to the hospital the following morning since they were not allowed to see Elvis. They got home to find everyone asleep. “Derek, thank you very much for all you did for me today,” Mansa said. “Don’t worry sis, it’s always a pleasure. What we need to do now is to keep praying… Hopefully, we will have good news tomorrow. ” Derek said. They hugged each other and went to their separate rooms. Mansa couldn’t sleep that night, she prayed all night and fell asleep around 3:00am. Mrs. Bernard and Chris woke up early that morning, ahead of Mansa and Derek. They quickly got dressed and went the hospital to see Elvis. When they arrived, they were told Elvis was responding to treatment so they had the opportunity to see him. Mrs. Bernard went into the ward alone leaving Chris behind at the OPD. Elvis was indeed lucky to have survived the accident. His head, arms and legs were all covered in bandage. He could hardly move. Mrs Bernard, however, overlooked all those details. She was just concerned about her mission. “Young man, how are you? She asked. “I’m feeling better, thank God” Elvis answered. “You better be. I believe you know who I am? She asked. From kunlemajor.Blogspot. “Yes Madam” Elvis answered. “Good. Now let me be quick. I want you to stay away from Mansa. I don’t want to see you anywhere near her again.” She said. “Madam” Elvis said in pains. “I am in no mood for any negotiations, so don’t call me. Just be warned… You’ll have yourself to blame if anything happens” She said and left the ward. Elvis didn’t understand what was going on. He was surprised to hear this from Mrs Bernard. Within a few minutes, Elvis was just motionless. This got the attention of the nurses. They hurriedly called a Doctor to come to their aid. It wasn’t looking good, Elvis was dying. Derek and Mansa arrived just at that moment and they were asked to wait. After about 45 minutes, the Doctor finally came out. Mansa quickly rushed towards the doctor. “Doc, please how is he? She asked desperately. “I’m sorry, we did all we could”, the Doc said. “What do you mean, Doc? Mansa asked. “I’m afraid, we just lost him” the Doc declared.“What!!!!!!!!! Mansa shouted To be continued…


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