Story - Tears of a bleeding heart

Some life stories sound incredible, some sound like fiction others would make your mouth pop open in unbelief. From the best selling author of my woman my everything comes the story of Mansa – Tears of A Bleeding Heart Tears of a bleeding heart Episode 1 From Life they say has its ups and downs, but with Mansa’s life, she has only seen sadness and grief. She grew up in an orphanage and at the age of 17, she was adopted by Rev. Bernard, a wealthy Pastor with a large congregation and branches all over the nation. Rev. had a beautiful wife and two sons – Derek and Chris who lived in the United States. Indeed, Mansa was really blessed with the gift of vision. This made her foster parents more fond of her. Rev. actually thought Mansa was a gift from God. He groomed her to be very prayerful and spiritually strong. Mansa was also blessed with real beauty. She had a dark skin tone that was perfectly smooth. She led the prayer group in her foster church, as young as she was. Unfortunately, Rev. died… and trouble began for Mansa. His death remained a mystery as no one knew the cause. They were in church and he was in the middle of a sermon when he suddenly had a heart attack. He passed on before they could get him to the hospital.Due to this tragedy, Rev. Bernard’s sons who lived in the States came down to the country with their mother. That was the boys’ first time seeing Mansa. Like every Christian family, they embraced her as a sister. However, a few months after Rev’s death, an unusual incident occurred at church that got people talking ill about Mansa. You are reading, Tears of A Bleeding Heart Episode 1 from kunlemajor. Blogspot. Com. Mansa met Elvis who was with her at the orphanage before she got adopted. They were both orphans and to Mansa, Elvis was a brother. Mansa was ecstatic to see him… She jumped and hugged him at the entrance of the church, right in front of everyone, including her foster mother and her two sons Derek and Chris. She got even more excited when she saw that Elvis had come with his own car. life had smiled well on Elvis and he had done well for himself. He had moved to town not too long ago and decided to visit a nearby church not knowing that this was the same church where Mansa and her foster family worshiped. After the warm hug, they continued holding hands as they talked and tried catching up on old times. Their Gestures however got pretty much the entire congregation talking. Most people felt they were being inappropriate. Mrs. Bernard and Chris were no exception. Chris especially, being the eldest son, got very upset about Mansa and Elvis. “Mummy, who is that guy Mansa is talking to?” Chris asked his mother while they all waited in their car for Mansa. He was interrupted by Derek who felt Chris’s question was out of order. “Seriously, Chris, you are asking this question? Let the girl be! I believe they know each other so it’s fine” Derek said. “Derek, go and get her! She can’t keep us waiting like this” their mother instructed. Derek immediately got down from the car and walked towards where Mansa and Elvis stood. Meanwhile, Mansa had invited Elvis for a prayer meeting later that evening. Just as Elvis accepted the invite, Derek joined them. “Excuse me,” Derek said. “Mum wants us to leave so I guess you guys need to wrap up.” “Sure Derek. I’m sorry for keeping you all waiting. I totally lost track of time. Anyway, meet Elvis, a long time friend of mine. Elvis this is my brother Derek” Mansa introduced both men as they shook hands. Derek then walked Mansa to their car while Elvis went back into the church premises. That was when he realised that people were murmuring. As soon as Mansa got into the car with Derek, her foster Mum asked her a direct question. “Who was that guy you were talking to? Mrs Bernard asked. “Mum, he is an old friend of mine, from the orphanage” Mansa answered. “It doesn’t look like that to me! Mansa, be very careful” Mrs. Bernard cautioned in a very angry tone. “I’m sorry mum, it won’t happen again,” Mansa said as they set headed home. Derek thought that his mother had over-reacted and felt bad about it. Later that evening, Elvis showed up at the prayer meeting as he had promised Mansa. Chris was supposed to come take Mansa home and he was running late. She tried severally to reach him but his phone was switched off. Elvis then offered to drop Mansa off. She initially refused but as it was getting late and it didn’t look like she had much of an option, she changed her mind and accepted the ride. Elvis drove off with her and soon they arrived at the main entrance of Mansa’s house. Mansa gave Elvis a goodbye hug and thanked him for his kind gesture. Little did she know that her foster mother was watching them from her window. From where she stood, it appeared Mansa and Elvis were kissing… To be continued … Things seem to be turning sad again for Mansa. Would the accusations clear up in the next episode or would they get worse. hmmmmmmm watch out for the next episode of Tears of A Bleeding Heart For more info log in to kunlemajor. Blogspot. Com Tears of a bleeding Heart Episode 2 From The tale of the twist and turns in the life of our heroine, Mansa… From her view, it appeared that they were kissing. Mrs Bernard was very furious… She turned and went to wait for her in the living room. Mansa and Elvis parted ways after they exchanged hugs in a friendly gesture. Mansa then quickly headed to the living room only to see her foster Mum sitting on the sofa with an angry look. Mansa: ” Good evening Mum” Mrs. Bernard: “So it has gotten to this! You have the guts to let him drive you to my house!!!! Mansa: ” Mum, he only came to drop me off since it was getting late.” Mrs. Bernard: “Oh I see, since when did Elvis start driving you home? Wasn’t that the responsibility of Chris? Mansa: ” Mum, yes it is. I tried reaching him all evening but his phone was off…..?… Just as she was trying to explain herself, Chris arrived from nowhere. Chris: “Whose phone was off? Liar!! Mum, I have been waiting for her at the church premises for over an hour only to later realise she had gone out with her so-called friend” Mansa: “Chris, I did call you several times but…..” Mrs. Bernard: “Will you shut up!!!! Now, this should be your last warning. I don’t want to see you anywhere around that guy or you will see the other side of me. Let me remind you of your place in this family, don’t forget where you came from.” Mansa: “Mum, I’m sorry” she said and began to sob. Mrs. Bernard: “Hey, what did I just tell you? And stop all these “mum, mum” thing you are doing. Chris and Derek are my sons and as far as am concerned, I never carried you in my womb for 9 months. Get out of my sight before I lose my temper!” Mansa ran into her room with tears in her eyes. “Can you imagine?! I need to discipline this girl before she brings shame to this family” Mrs. Bernard said to her son Chris Mansa laid on her bed and cried all through the night. The only thing she could think of to do was pray to God. Somehow, she felt that she had done nothing wrong to make her foster mother so angry. The most hurtful thing was when she reminded her that she’s an orphan. Ever since she was born, she had never set her eyes on her biological parents. Whether they were alive or not, she had no idea. The only people she knew was Elvis and the rest of the orphans back at the orphanage home. Ever since the Bernard family adopted her, she had taken them as her own family and had fitted in perfectly until Rev. Bernard passed away. When the sudden incident occurred, it seemed Mrs. Bernard was ready for it. It was if she had been expecting her husband to die. As much as she looked sad, she didn’t shed a tear over her husband’s death. The thought among church members was that God had spiritually comforted her. Mansa heard a knock at her door just as she began to pray. It was Derek. “Hey Derek, come in” said Mansa as she opened the door. “I heard Mum from my room yelling at you. What was the problem?” Derek asked as he sat near his foster sister on her bed “Derek, I really don’t know. Elvis my friend came to drop me home but Mum didn’t like the idea. She even said I should keep my distance from him. But how can I? Elvis is like a brother to me We grew up together and know each other well.” Manson said “You know how difficult Mum can be but I will talk to her. Just gave her some time, I’m sure she will come around” Derek advised. “Thank you so much brother, you have been so helpful” Mansa said, truly grateful that she at least had someone in the family on her side. “By the way, you should be checking up on Elvis to find out if he has gotten home rather than thanking me” Derek suggested. “You’re right, let me call him” Mansa said, reaching for her phone. She tried calling several times but no one was answering. She got a bit concerned and was going to stop calling at the fourth attempt, then the phone was answered. To her surprise, it was a lady’s voice on the phone. “Hello, can I please speak to Elvis” Mansa asked. “Madam, the owner of this phone was just in a terrible accident and he is in a critical condition at the moment” The lady said. “Oh my God!!! Madam, please where is he right now? How is he?” Mansa panicked and asked. “We are at the General Hospital but as to how he is faring, I really don’t know. He is being attended to at the moment in ER,” said the lady. “I am coming over right away” Mansa said and hung up..... To be continued.....


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