Tears of a bleeding heart seasons II episode 13 and 14

Tears of a bleeding heart seasons II episode 13 and 14

“You are Derek? Oh my! You look exactly like your father” the visitor said.
“Ermm excuse madam, who are you? Derek asked.
“I’m your mother, my son” she said.
Derek was shocked. He didn’t believe his ears.
“What did you say? I’m sure you are in the wrong house” Derek replied.
“I know where I am. I brought you here” She said
This was getting weird for Derek. He offered her a seat and as she sat, he asked her
“Madam, how do you mean you are my mother?
“My son, I can explain if you’d give me the chance.” She said.
“Ermm Please hold on, let my sister join us. Perhaps she can understand you better than myself” Derek said and without waiting for her response he called out to Mansa.
Mansa, who was already upset with him, came out looking angry.
“I beg of you, can you please join us?” Derek asked.
Without answering him, she greeted the woman and sat down.
“Thank you.” Derek said to Mansa. Turning to the woman, he said “Madam, you can go on now.”
“I personally raised you till you were a year old. Your father died when you eight months old and thereafter, things became very difficult for me.I couldn’t play the role of a mother. I barely had enough food to eat talk more of feeding you……” She said but Derek interrupted her
“Hold on there, you said my father died when I was eight months old? he asked.
“Yes, my son” She answered.
“So you’re claiming that late Rev. Bernard’s also not my father? Derek asked.
“Yes my son. Your biological father died of cancer” She said.
Mansa was completely lost. She didn’t understand what was going on but she could tell from the woman’s face that she was being truthful and sincere.
“What is she talking about, Who is this Derek? Mansa asked. She looked interested and concerned now.
“That’s exactly what I want to find out. She says she is my mother, Mansa. ” Derek answered.
“What?! Mansa said. She too was shocked.
“Let’s hear you out madam, Please go on” Derek said.
The woman continued with her explanation “My only option was to leave you in the care of someone worthy. That was when I met Mr and Mrs Bernard.”They agreed to take care of you as their own, on the condition that I kept the adoption a secret. They sent you away to the states and I didn’t hear anything again until you returned, upon the death of your foster father.Derek, you are my only son. I couldn’t let you suffer. I had to think of something. Giving you away was my only choice. Your name is Derek Fernandez and I am your mother.” She revealed.
“Stop it! Please stop it, I can’t take any more of all these” Derek shouted. He left her and Mansa and ran into his room.
It was too much for him to process. He couldn’t handle it. He was confused. He didn’t know what to believe. He didn’t know if she was telling the truth or not.
Mansa went into Derek’s room and found him sitting on his bed.
She joined him and took his hand. She rubbed her thumbs on his hand. That made him relax a little.
“Derek, I think you should take it easy now. Don’t draw any conclusions yet. It’s amazing but I also went through the same thing recently” Mansa said.
“What are you talking about, Mansa?” Derek asked.
Mansa brushed him off and said “I think there is only one way to find out if she is telling the truth.”
“How? How can we tell? By doing a DNA test? Derek asked.
“No, I think we should keep her here till Mrs Bernard returns, then we can confront them both.” Mansa suggested.
Derek felt comfortable with that plan. In fact, he felt comfortable with anything, as long as Mansa was with him. Even with this situation and the news that he had just received, he still felt guilty about what he had done to her.
Mansa, however, stil harboured what she had seen at dawn; Rita coming from Derek’s room.
“Mansa, there is something I need to tell you.” Derek said.“I already know Derek” Mansa answered.
“You do? Derek asked
“Yeah, I know you’re going out with Rita, I saw her coming from your room this morning.” Mansa said
“Oh, that! Mansa it is not what you think” Derek said.
“We don’t have time for this now. Let’s go back and sit with the lady until mum returns.” Mansa said and left Derek’s room for the living room. He had no choice but to follow her.
You are Reading: Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 13
Mrs Bernard went to Rita’s house after trying severally to get in touch with her to no avail. Fortunately, she met Rita at her apartment.
It was obvious that the young lady didn’t want to see her. She wasn’t welcoming. However, Mrs Bernard was able to persuade her to get into her car so they could talk.
“Rita, why this attitude? You left my house without telling me, your phone has been off all this while. What is wrong with you? If this is about your money, then take it” She said, handing her #100,000 in cash.
To her surprise, Rita refused it.
“Mrs Bernard, what do you even hope to achieve from all these? I have done a lot and I can’t keep up with this anymore. Excuse me, I don’t want your money” Rita said.
“You are joking, right? This is a prank” Mrs Bernard said.
“You think so? Please don’t ever contact me anymore, I am done!” Rita said and alighted from the car banging the door right in the older woman’s faceMrs Bernard didn’t believe what had just happened. It was like a dream to her.
“She must be upset about something, I know she will be back.” Mrs Bernard said to herself.
She left and went straight to the police station. She was not allowed to see her son Chris.
She proceeded to create a scene at the station, so they could allow her see him. Rather than give in to her drama, the policemen on duty threatened to arrest her as an accomplice. That calmed her down. There was nothing more she could do. For the first time, Mrs Bernard felt helpless and frustrated.
She had no option than to go back home. Her day had just gone from bad to worse. First, Rita rejecting her and now the police disallowing her from seeing her son.
In no time, she got back home. She opened the door to the living room and froze.
To be continued…

Tears of a bleeding heart season II episode 14
In no time, Mrs Bernard got back home. She opened the door to the living room and froze.
There was Derek with Mansa and the lady who claimed she was Derek’s biological mother.
“What are you doing here woman? Mrs Bernard who was in a state of shock and frustration asked the lady.
“Looks like you already know each other. Makes things a lot easier.” Derek said. He was very mad at Mrs Bernard for hiding the truth from him all these years. He actually was beginning to feel strong resentment towards her.
“Derek, whatever she told you is a lie,” Mrs Bernard said.
“It’s a lie? How do you know she already told me something, unless of course, there’s something you’re hiding from me? Perhaps you’re not really my mother?” Derek asked.Read also: Dear Davina, I’m pregnant and HE doesn’t want the baby
Mrs Bernard realised that she had already dug a pit for herself and that she couldn’t hide anything anymore.
“Look, before you begin yelling at me, you owe me plenty gratitude. She may be your mother but I raised you. I deserve appreciation rather than you talking to me like this” Mrs Bernard said with indignation.
“You really don’t know how it feels, do you? Of course, I am grateful to you for being there for me but the fact that I have lived a lie all these years is what I can’t deal with” Derek said.
Mrs Bernard heard the rage in his voice and she lost her cool.
“Yes, she is your mother for Christsakes! Are you ok now?!” Mrs Bernard yelled and walked out on them.Mansa came behind Derek and held his shoulder, giving him a gentle massage.
“It’s alright Derek, it’s alright” Mansa said.
Derek’s mother immediately went on her knees. All through the confrontation with Mrs Bernard, she had remained quiet. Now, she begged for forgiveness from Derek.
He helped her up, looked into her eyes for a long time and without saying anything, embraced her.
It was an emotional moment… Both of them held on tightly as they held each other and cried. After a while, Derek loosened his grip and said to her “Mum, let’s go to my room, we need to talk more.”
Turning to Mansa, he said, “You should join us…”
“No, you and your mother need this time alone. Plenty of catching up to do. I will be there when you need me” Mansa said.
Derek nodded and thanked her. He then took his newly-discovered biological mother by the hand and led her to his room.
You are Reading: Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 14
The church board was meeting at this time. Elder Haastrup, the church’s financial secretary, was giving an account of the Church’s finances for the last six months.
After he had gone through the report, it was clear to everyone that the Church’s money was being embezzled. Almost all withdrawals were made by Mrs. Bernard without any requisite receipt.
The board decided to summon her for an immediate meetingDerek, onwas beginning to understand her and the choices she made those many years ago. She just didn’t have the money or means to take care of him.
Derek even got the opportunity to see his biological father’s picture which his mother had brought along. Indeed, he looked very much like his father.They got interrupted when Derek’s phone rang. The call was from an unknown number.
“Meet me at ‘Eddys’ in 45 minutes” the caller said and hung up.
Derek had no idea who it was but he was curious enough to go find out.
“Mum, would you like to spend the night here? Derek asked
“No, I won’t be safe here” She said.
“Oh, why not? Derek asked. “No one is capable of harming you”
“You really don’t know my son. I will go and come back tomorrow so we can talk more” She said.
“Let’s go together then, I’m also on my way out.” Derek said and they both left.
He dropped her off at her house. The house looked old and dilapidated. His mother apparently still lived in poverty.
Derek vowed to change that. Henceforth, he was going to take care of her as a son should.
You are Reading: Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 14
After dropping her off, he went straight to Eddy’s and to his surprise, the
was Rita sitting alone at a table for two.
She beckoned to him soon as he stepped in. She was the one who had called.
Walking towards her, Derek noticed that Rita looked disturbed and worried. Derek wondered what she really wanted to tell him.
He went and sat beside her. Without wasting any time, Rita began talking. She didn’t even bother welcoming him.
“Derek, My name is Rita Demien, a professional nurse and I am responsible for the death of your father” she said.
To be continued…@ kunlemajor.blogspot.com.ng


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