Tears of A Bleeding Heart Season II Episode 10

Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 10
Mrs Bernard was meeting with Rita at a restaurant out of town. A place where no one could find or trace them.
They both agreed they needed to be extremely careful and discreet now.
Rita got there first. She was upset that she had to wait a while before Mrs Bernard finally showed up.
“What took you so long? Rita snapped.
The relationship between the two women had gradually changed, ever since they became partners in crime.
Rita had virtually lost all the respect she had for Mrs Bernard.
“Sorry, Derek was a tough nut to crack” Mrs Bernard said.
“Do you think he knows anything? Rita asked.“I can’t be too sure. Truth is I don’t trust him, but I know what to do. ” Mrs Bernard assured her.
“Ermmm, don’t you think this it’s high time you told him about me? He still has not noticed me… He just sees me like any other member of the church.” Rita asked.
“Not yet. You know I always keep my promise so trust me when I say I have a plan. He is my son. I know him very well, so don’t worry.” Mrs Bernard said.Apparently, Mrs Bernard had promised Rita that apart from her being paid for her services, she was going to make sure Derek married her.
Rita had been in love with Derek right from the time he returned from the US with Chris.
She had tried everything in her power to get noticed by him but Derek just never looked in her direction.
This was actually one of the reasons Rita was helping Mrs Bernard out with her schemes, aside the money she was earning.
“Mrs Bernard, May I ask you a question? Rita ventured.
” Sure, go ahead” Mrs Bernard said.
“At least you know why I’m helping you out, you know my intentions and everything. But I don’t understand where you’re coming from. Why are you doing all these things? ” Rita asked.
Mrs Bernard was upset ” Young girl, don’t forget your boundaries! You do what you are paid to do. I do not expect you to ask questions….. She was interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number.It was the police. They were calling to inform her about Chris’ arrest.
She had to postpone all other matters to go attend to her son Chris.
It was amazing how Mrs Bernard handled this issue. Derek was arrested right in her presence but she somehow never got round to visit him in jail until he was let out. But with Chris, she immediately stopped what she was doing to go to the police station.
Chris had always been her favorite. She has always treated him specially and seemingly preffered him over Derek.
You are Reading: Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 10
Mansa on the other hand was returning from her new-found mother’s house. Mrs Lokko had strictly warned Mansa not to reveal what she knew about herself and her mother’s existence to anyone.
Mansa felt complete. For the very first time in a long while, she was happy. She was happy that Derek and Chris are actually her siblings.
She was however worried about Obed. He was no where to be found. She thought of him and the support had had given her in her time of need. “What would have happened if Obed never came into in her life?” She wondered. She certainly would have remained in darkness.
She decided to go look for Obed. She thought to go back to the house where Obed and herself had been staying before her miscarriage.
She found it very difficult locating the place but after several hours of looking, she was successful.
To her surprise, there was a gate man at the place.“Wow, Obed finally decided to get a gate man” She said to herself as she approached the house.
She was taken aback by the way the gate man welcomed her when he saw her. He acted like he knew her.
“Madam, welcome” said the gateman, all smiles.
“Thank you. I’m looking for your boss” Mansa said.
“I don’t understand you madam, you are my boss na.” said the gate man.
” You are very funny.” Mansa replied, waving him off. “Please I’m looking for Obed, the man who lives here” She said.
The gate looked confused…
“Madam, I am the only one that lives here oo. I lived here alone for the past three years until you showed up two weeks ago” the gate man said.
“How come I didn’t see you when I came? She asked.
“I had travelled to see my family in the North when you came. My son was very ill. That’s why you didn’t see me. Your mother called me while I was away to tell me you were coming. I came back three days after you arrived but I was instructed not to disturb you so I stayed away from the main house.” The gateman said.
” So you mean you were all along in this house and I never set my eyes on you? Mansa asked. She was bewildered.
“Yes madam! Myself, I was surprised that you stayed indoors all that time” The gate man replied.
“Anyway, the man I came here with, he is the one am looking for” Mansa asked again.“Madam, you came here with someone? I didn’t see anybody oo” The gateman said.
Mansa found the situation very strange but again, the gateman was smelling of alcohol so Mansa didn’t take him seriously. She just concluded he was drunk.
To be continued


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