Tears of a bleeding heart seasonII episode 12

Tears of a bleeding heart seasonII episode 12
It was getting intense… they were feeling each other’s breath now.
Suddenly, Derek came to his senses. As difficult as it was, he pushed Rita away.
She tried coming back towards him but he stepped aside and stopped her.
“Derek, don’t do this to me. I love you. I have loved you all this while but you never noticed me. I really love you” Rita pleaded.
Surprisingly, there was some form of sincerity in her words.
Rita was being truthful this once. She was really in love with Derek.
Derek noticed this and went close to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.
“Rita, how come you are just telling me all these?” he asked.
“That’s why I’m here now Derek. I have never loved any man like this before and I’m willing to do anything to prove it to you” Rita said.Derek was very gentle with her. He asked her to sit by his side so they could talk.
“I don’t doubt what you’re telling me. I just don’t want to take advantage of this moment and have sex with you… That will hurt you more. I have already done that to someone I really cherish and I’m yet to right my wrongs. I don’t want to do the same thing to you. Let’s find an appropriate time so we can discuss this, please Rita. ” Derek said.
Rita’s conscience tugged at her. She noticed Derek was a good person. She began feeling bad about herself.
“Thank you, Derek” she said and stood up to go.Before she left, she turned and said to him, “I have something to tell you. Make time for us then we can talk about it.”
You are Reading: Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 12
Unfortunately, just as Rita stepped out of Derek’s room and shut the door behind her, she ran into Mansa who was on her way to the kitchen for some water.
Mansa was surprised to see her come from Derek’s room. Rita didn’t say anything. She just walked past her and went straight into the guest room.
For some reason, Mansa was hurt by what she saw. She didn’t go to the kitchen again for the water. She initially wanted to confront Derek about what she had seen but she quickly changed her mind and went into her room. She decided to harbour everything.
Early the next morning, Derek was getting ready to go and see Chris at the police station.
Despite everything, he still loved his brother.
Just then, there was a knock at his door, it was his mother.
She came in and found Derek dressing up.
“Where are you going this early morning? Mrs Bernard asked.
“To see Chris. I want to see if I can get the lawyer to get him out before it’s too late” Derek answered
“Don’t worry my son. I’ve got it covered. I’ll be meeting the lawyer today” Mrs Bernard said
“I thought you said you were travelling this morning with Rita” Derek asked.ye
eah, that’s the more reason I’m here. Where is Rita? I went to the guest room but she’s not there” Mrs Bernard said
“I haven’t seen her this morning. Could she have left without telling you?” Derek asked.
“Naa, I don’t think so. Let me try reaching her on phone” Mrs Bernard said and walked out of the room.
Before Derek stepped out of his room, he got a phone call from an unknown private number.
He picked up and found out it was Obed.
“Hey Obed, where are you? I’ve been looking for you since yesterday” Derek said.
“I’m sorry Derek. I had something I needed to take care of. I just called to tell you not to go anywhere within the next hour, someone wants to see you” Obed said.
“Me? Who is that? Derek asked.
“Don’t worry. Just don’t go anywhere in the next hour. Meanwhile, tell Mansa that she will soon hear from me” Obed said and quickly hung up.
Derek couldn’t call back because Obed had used a private number.
He went to Mansa’s room. She was reading her bible when he got there.
“Yes, how may I help you?” Mansa said as she saw Derek enter.
“Wow, looks like somebody had a bad night!” Derek said when he noticed her unfriendly tone.It was unusual of her but he ignored it.
“Indeed, it was bad. What are you doing in my room?” Mansa asked.
“Cool down sis. What has come over you? I just came to check up on you and I also have a message from Obed” Derek said.
“What’s the message?” Mansa asked straightaway.
“Well, he called me a few minutes ago. He said you will soon hear from him” Derek said.
“Ok. Is that all? Mansa asked
“ermmm Yeah. Mansa why are you….. ?” Derek started to ask but Mansa didn’t let him finish.
“I’m going to shower now so see you later!” She said and went into the bathroom.
You are Reading: Tears of A Bleeding Heart – Season II Episode 12
Derek was shocked. He thought perhaps Mansa had somehow gotten to know that he was the behind the rape.
He went out of her room and to the living room.
Mrs Bernard was on her way out when he got there.
Apparently, she had still not heard from Rita ever since she left the house without her notice that morning.
She was on her way to look for her and then to the police station to see Chris.
About 45 minutes after Mrs Bernard left, the gateman came into the living room where Derek was seated.Sir, someone is at the gate looking for you,” he said.
” Who is it? Derek asked.
” Sir, I really don’t know” the gateman answered.
“Ok, bring him in” Derek instructed.
The gateman did accordingly.
He came back with the visitor. Derek was surprised, the visitor was a woman and she did not look familiar in any way.
“Good day sir. I’m looking for Derek” she said.
“I’m the one madam.” Derek said.
“You are Derek? Oh my! You look exactly like your father” the visitor said.
To be continued…


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